Monitor and manage blog site areas throughout. These topics are covered in our Monitoring & Managing Category.

  • Managing Site SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • Reviewing traffic
  • Security measures
  • Site metrics analysis
  • Updating posts’ content
  • Making major changes
  • Handling comments
  • Recommended training

3 Types of Blog SEO

There are 3 types of Blog SEO. So, the articles under this category will cover aspects from each. They are:

  • Blog Technical SEO
  • Blog Content SEO
  • Blog Mixed SEO

Blog Technical SEO

Blog Technical SEO is related to things that are technology related. Simple examples are services you are using from your web hosting provider for your blog site. They’re also the plugins you’ve elected to install.

Blog Content SEO

Regarding blog content, there are many topical types of emphasis in a niche. For example, the Food Niche has topics such as food recipes, nutrition, service, retail, wholesale, marketing, distribution, equipment, appliances, and manufacturing. The most popular food blog content topics revolve around recipe blogs. Regardless of your niche, there is a lot of content to try to narrow down and focus for good SEO quality for site visitors.

Blog Content SEO is related to your site pages and posts. It’s not only what you write, it’s how you’ve formatted and laid out the writing and the images. The actual content can involve the presentation of your topics, your authority or expertise, and even how you promote or market. Read more in our Topic Clusters Examples article.

Blog Mixed SEO

Blog Mixed SEO is when something might be considered part of more than one type of SEO overall. An example is “Media Imaging” on a post. The method you use to compress an image when adding to a post is technical SEO. Adding “alt text” to that image might be considered technical due to how it’s added; however, in deciding what is written as alt text, that is considered content. And, when adding in sizing, that’s technical, while the image itself is considered visual content. Basically, the UX (user interface) involves both content and technical emphasis so, it’s sometimes considered a mixture of SEO. However, site design has only certain characteristics that are a part of SEO.

SEO Tools for Blogging

When it comes to SEO Tools for blogging, you’ll want to have some that are optimized by function and budget. There are countless free tools out there and some that are costly at starting around $100 per month. We’ll cover those that are popular and effective, as well as that will fit in various expense categories, including free.

Share Your Blog SEO Topic

This is a foundation article that will be expanded over time significantly with further information and links to related topics written by other SEO experts. Have you written a good post related to Blog SEO? Do you want us to reference your post as a source for part of one of our upcoming or current articles? We’d be happy to discuss this and also consider exchanging related topic links, if we both see its value. Here’s what to do if you have one or more good topics.

Just visit the Contact Us page and write up your info and include any URLs. We’ll contact you back in a few days via your provided email address. We’re all in the business of sharing good, quality information that other experts, like yourself, have prepared.

Popular Food Blog SEO Posts

Now that you’re aware of the different types of blog SEO, you’ll be a bit more empowered on identifying correct methods to apply to each. Also, you’re more apt to recall other SEO aspects to consider. Here’s our article “Food Blog SEO Posts” that has a collection of noted experts’ articles focused on the Food Blog niche.