File UPDATED BOI Report Online

file updated boi report

Here is a full step-by-step guide to file updated BOI Report online. All pics and steps shown in order. Loads of simple bullet points to better understand responses to make. A change to a previously submitted BOI Report example shown. Also see my posts on “How To File BOIR” and a frequently updated post “Is BOI Filing Still Required?“.

What Types of Changes Require to File Updated BOI Report?

An updated BOIR is required when there is a change with the reporting company or the beneficial owners from what was previously reported. These are changes like owners being added or deleted, a DBA name change (added or removed), address changes, closing business, and any other changes regarding what was previously reported.

My example of a changed BOI Report is representing a DBA name change.

Is Their a Deadline for Filing a Changed BOI Report?

Although this is subject to changing, it’s a 30 calendar days requirement after a reportable change has occurred.

Other Important Related BOI Report Guides

1. Starting To File Updated BOI Report Online

Now, we’ll go through the various sections by following the wizard process of steps.

Start Here To File a Changed BOI Report Online

Begin To File Online BOIR For Changes

  • Now, see section heading named “File Online BOIR”. At this time, in the “WEB” row, tap <Prepare & Submit BOIR>.

2. Filing Information Tab

Reporting Company Associated with Latest Report

It states that this info is not applicable for an initial report. In other words, this refers to the most recent report, not the first one.

  • Select the option to “Update prior report”. After that, the screen will change.
  • Fill in the Legal Name box.
  • Select the Tax Identification Type from the dropdown box. In my example, I’m selecting “EIN”.
  • Then, in the Tax Identification number, enter in the EIN.
  • The other items, even when noted as required, are grayed out and disabled.
  • Tap <Next> to continue.

3. Reporting Company Tab

Legal Name and Alternate Name(s)

  • Option to request to receive a FinCEN ID doesn’t get selected. That’s because this is an Updated Report for a previously submitted and certified report. In other words, we have a FinCEN ID already. However, if you don’t yet have a FinCEN ID then your situation is different.
  • Fill in the Reporting Company Legal Name.
  • Then, fill in any DBA name or trade name. If you have multiple names, tap <Add Alternate Name> to add more than one.
  • Then, tap <Next>.

Form of Identification

  • Select the Tax Identification Type from the dropdown box. In my example, I’m selecting “EIN”.
  • Then, in the Tax Identification number, in my example, I enter in the EIN.
  • The other items, even when noted as required, are grayed out and disabled.
  • Tap <Next> to continue.

Domestic Reporting Company & Current U.S. Address

  • Fill in the State of formation (for forming the company).
  • Then, finish it out with the Company’s current U.S. Address.
  • Tap <Next> to continue.

Jurisdiction of Formation or First Registration

  • Fill in the info regarding the first registration formation including the country, state, and current address.

4. Company Applicant(s) Tab

Existing Reporting Company

In this example, my company was legally, fully created before January 1, 2024. So, I select the checkbox # 16. This ends any company applicant data being requested so, there’s no data to populate. It then gives a confirmation prompt which I accept. The form changes a bit. Then, tap <Next>.

5. Beneficial Owner(s) Tab

Beneficial Owner FinCEN ID

  • Fill in the FinCEN ID
  • Enter the Individual’s Last name or Entity’s Legal Name.
  • Then, tap <Next>.
beneficial owner fincen id for final updated boi report entry

Fill in the FinCEN ID & Last Name (or Entity Legal Name). Then, tap <Next>.

6. Submit Tab

You’re done with reporting data entry! The final piece is to identify where you want the confirmation status sent to.

Then, you’ll need to tap <I agree> and the <I am human> Captcha item. If the Captcha responses fail, you’ll be given another picture to work with. Until it’s satisfied, the <Submit BOIR> button remains disabled.

ready to submit and file updated boi report to fincen
Ready to submit and file updated BOI Report to FinCEN

After the Captcha item is confirmed verified, you can tap <Submit BOIR> and your updates will be submitted.

updated boi report being submitted to fincen
Updated BOI Report being submitted to FinCEN

After the submission, if everything transpired fine, you’ll see a confirmation screen where you can download the transcripts report, filled with the data you submitted.

updated boi report submission status confirmation
Updated BOI Report submission status confirmation

IMPORTANT: Don’t forget to tap to <Download Transcript>!

important to download transcript of submitted boi report changes
Important to download transcript of submitted BOI Report changes

Finally, the confirmation status email will be sent to the email address you had submitted.

email confirmation of successful filing of updated boi report filing
Email confirmation of successful filing of UPDATED BOI Report filing


How to file updated BOI Report with FinCEN is easy and was shown step-by-step. You saw my example update filing for a DBA name change. And, you viewed the screen captured pics of each step, along with a list of what items to fill in. So, be sure to share this with others, as it’s very helpful.

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